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Camp Lejeune Officers' spouses' club


Our Mission

Camp Lejeune Officers’ Spouses’ Club is a private, non-profit fellowship and volunteer organization for officer spouses at MCB Camp Lejeune and surrounding areas. It was created to foster a comfortable atmosphere of camaraderie, support and community involvement among spouses of active and retired personnel.

We carry out our mission statement in two ways: 


Supporting members through networking and friendship at events like luncheons and sub clubs. 


Using the time, talents and energy of members to enhance the greater Camp Lejeune area. 

The Camp Lejeune OSC was founded in 1948.

 Constitution 2022-23.pdf

CLOSC Bylaws 2023_2024.pdf

CLOSC Standing Rules 2023_2024

CLOSC 2023-2024 Elected Board:

Krista Ickles - President

Caitlin Lewis - 1st VP

Susanne Volinski - 2nd VP

Kristal Pegram - Treasurer

Meghan Gazzillo - Secretary

Vacant - Parliamentarian

Camp Lejeune Officers' Spouses' Club is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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